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While Michelle Osgood waits in
Medical Center, her husband is in
the catacombs beneath the lunar
surface looking for Tiranium, a
mineral, needed for the artificial
heart to save his wife. In order to
speed things along, Patrick uses
excessive amounts of explosives.
While setting the charges, Patrick
is caught in an explosion. After
which, he has a vision of his
wife in a bed surrounded by
Alpha in flames. No Tiranium is
found, but Patrick's visions persist.
Mysteriously, temperatures begin
to rise on Alpha. The Moon is
being hit by waves of heat from
an indeterminate source in space.
Koenig takes an Eagle to try to
locate it's source. Meanwhile,
back on Alpha, Helena attempts
to make an artificial heart work
without the benefits of Tiranium.
Patrick Osgood scoffs, as he
believes only his faith can
save his wife. Apparently proving
him right, the heart fails without
the rare mineral. Helena asks John
to release some Tiranium to use
in her next attempt. He refuses
saying they can't spare it during
the crisis situation, but he has
faith that Helena will prevail.
Patrick storms into the Explosives
Storeroom while Tony oversees
the transfer of the explosives to a
cooler location on a lower level.
Patrick tells him that everyone will
die that does not evacuate to the
catacombs. Tony has difficulty
accepting Patrick's visions. The
conversation heats up until Patrick
throws a punch and grabs Tony's
stungun. Maya passes by as the
fighting ensues. She transforms
into a dog and wrests the gun
from Patrick's hand. He escapes,
and disappears down the hall.
Patrick is found unconscious
and brought to Medical Center.
When he wakes, he tells Helena
that he has wired himself as a
"human explosive". He demands
that she bandage his arm, and
take him to his wife. Tony and
Helena try to convince him that
Michelle will die without a
new heart, but Patrick is certain
only his faith can save her. He
calls Michelle. Helena tells him
that Michelle is sedated and
can't hear him. Michelle wakes
at the sound of his voice, as if
to prove her wrong.
Koenig finds the source of the
heat wave that is plaguing Alpha.
It's an enormous firestorm on a
collision course with the Moon.
He sets a course for Alpha and
hopes they are able to outrun the
cloud, as it's velocity is greater
than their Eagles top speed.
He is able to report their
findings to Alpha before he is
cut off. Helena thinks he was
about to release the Tiranium.
Tony decides to let her take
what she needs, figuring they
all might not survive anyway.
He then heads down to the
catacombs to find Patrick and
bring Michelle back. They have
a head start, but Michelle is too
weak to keep up the pace that
Patrick is trying to maintain. Back
in Medical Center, Helena's latest
heart is a success! She contacts
Tony to let him know, and ask
him to bring Michelle back.
Tony follows them deeper and
deeper into the catacombs.
Patrick forces his wife to keep
moving as the waves of heat,
increasing in strength, pummel
the surface of the Moon. Tony
manages to catch up to the
Osgoods, but Patrick knocks
out their flashlight with a well
aimed rock. Unable to follow in
the dark. Tony summons Maya
figuring she will be able to see
in the dark, if need be. She turns
into a tiger and tracks them
down. She keeps Patrick away
from Michelle so Tony can
get her out. The cave collapses
on Patrick as the shockwaves
get worse on the lunar surface.
Tony has two security guards
bring Michelle to Medical Center
while he remains to unbury
Patrick. Helena operates on
Michelle, and puts in the
new heart. The operation is
a success, but Michelle's vital
signs are weak. They question
her chances of survival, until
Tony brings Patrick in on a
stretcher. When she sees him
they immediately know that
she will be fine. The fire
storm inexplicably recedes.
Helena and Tony discuss how
Patrick was able to predict
the fire storm. Helena theorizes
that the stress on Patrick may
have made him receptive to
an intelligence in the firestorm.
Helena thanks John for the
Tiranium, telling him that it
saved Michelle Osgood's life.
John starts to balk, but realizes
that all's well that ends well,
and, laughingly, just goes with
it. Helena welcomes him back
with a big smile.

Screenplay...............................................................Anthony Terpiloff

Director..........................................................................Robert Lynn

Guest Stars

James Laurenson........................................................Patrick Osgood

Pamela Stephenson...................................................Michelle Osgood

Additional Cast

Alan Hunter..................................................................Bill (Co-pilot)

Brendan Price.........................................................................Guard

Karen Ford..............................................................................Nurse

Lloyd McGuire................................................................1st Engineer

Saul Reichlin.................................................................2nd Engineer

1st Woman.................................................................Nova Llewellyn

2nd Woman...................................................................Felicity York

Catacombs of the Moon was never one of my favorite episodes. There are several reasons for this, one of the main reasons has to be the unpleasant characterization of Patrick Osgood. I understand he was supposed to be under great stress, but a little grace under pressure would have gone a long way to make him more likable. When he says he would rather blow himself up than hurt his wife, I couldn't help thinking "Prove it!". Now that I think of it, most of the characters were exceptionally irritable in this episode. Koenig was no charmer for what little we saw of him. Tony and Sandra were at each others throats. Dr. Ben Vincent doesn't have a positive or kind word to say in this episode. Helena was the coolest head of the lot, and she was under the most pressure! Michelle Osgood was also likable, but didn't seem to fit in on Alpha. Assuming that the Alphans are made up of astronauts, scientists, and professionals from all fields, her shrinking "You're the man, so you must know best." attitude seems wildly out of place. But I have to say that she looked fantastic for someone who was dying... never a hair out of place and her makeup was flawless... even on the operating table!

This episode suffered even more from having a confusing script. Had Patrick already predicted Alpha burning before he hit his head? What was that firestorm? Was it alive? Was it doing Patrick's bidding? If so, why? Trying to make sense of it, I assume that the firestorm had to be alive. Otherwise, how could a space phenomenon change it's course, as this fire cloud does at the end of the episode? Perhaps the firestorm had some sort of empathy for Patrick, wanted to help him in some way, and not knowing any better, lashed out with it's heat waves at what it perceived to be Patrick's enemies (I am assuming that Patrick in his frustration was angry at everyone and everything around him). And what about his "faith"? It is amazing to me that something mentioned no less than nineteen times (I placed an asterisk for each time the word faith is said next to each sound file) would still be vague. He claimed to have faith, but in what? He seemed to garner no comfort from it. It didn't seem to give him a moral outlook. He had no problem stealing explosives and threatening to kill anyone who stood in his way. Apparently, with his "faith", the end justifies the means. This perspective mirrors that of Luke and Anna in
Testament of Arkadia, another episode dealing with fanaticism masquerading as faith or destiny.

I can't tell what statement they are trying to make about Patrick's "faith". Is it supposed to be all part of his connection to the firestorm? Did he ultimately cause the heat wave? Is that how he was able to see Alpha burning in flames before it happened? He and Michelle apparently can communicate telepathically in one scene... courtesy of the firestorm? He wakes her when she is supposed to be heavily sedated... another firestorm intervention? But he saw everyone on Alpha die if they didn't evacuate into the catacombs, was that a "promise of things to come" unfulfilled by the firestorm, because he called it off when his wife was saved?

Like the film Contact, this episode tried to pit faith against science, but it did not succeed, as anything that could be attributed to "faith" only made sense, in the context of the story, if you attributed it to the firestorm entity. Further, the firestorm entity seemed to be controlled by Patrick on a subconscious level, like the Id creature from Forbidden Planet. The only scene in which this theme of "faith versus science" actually succeeds is when Michelle has received her new heart transplant, and is not recovering until her husband is found. I came away from this, with the same thing I came away from Contact with... neither faith nor science alone is the answer, but a balance of both.

A minor nit, but why doesn't the heart they construct look like the diagram they made it from?

Since they are building the model and drawing the schematic... why don't they match? Another minor nit, but I thought the firestrom effect was really lame. It looked like a bunch of back lit cottonballs on a spinning plate! The beams towards Alpha are just as bad.

I think the best parts of this episode belong to Helena. Her determination to save Michelle is so strong, but she suffers quietly as each new heart fails without the tiranium. And when she gets the last heart working, she can't bare to think of Michelle dying in the catacombs when she really has a chance for survival now. Barbara Bain shines in this lack luster episode.

Replies to comments made here are always welcome. You can contact me by using the commlock in the Communication Centre.

In this episode we see the same opening sequence as
The Mark of Archanon, a pan down from the lunar surface into the catacombs.

For no reason that I can explain, other than careless editing, we see the red cryo-pods from
The Exiles being opened during Helena's Alpha Log entry.

and on a shelf behind the unconscious Patrick Osgood we see the bottle of perfume given to Helena in
The Taybor.


Click here to play sound Patrick's policy on input from co-workers.*
Click here to play sound "Moonbase Alpha status report,
Doctor Helena Russell recording..."
Click here to play sound Michelle Osgood is dying of boredom.
Click here to play sound Patrick visits Michelle and tells her of his vision.**
Click here to play sound "Moonbase Alpha status report, supplemental..."
Click here to play sound Dr. Russell works on heart number ten,
while Dr. Vincent criticizes.
Click here to play sound Patrick Osgood lends his "support" to the doctors.**
Click here to play sound The heart fails, Patrick gloats, Mathias grumbles
and Helena persists.**
Click here to play sound Patrick and Michelle's psychic exchange.**
Click here to play sound Helena asks John for tiranium,
with less than favorable results.*
Click here to play sound Patrick tells Tony about faith.*****
Click here to play sound Helena begs Patrick not to take Michelle.*
Click here to play sound Michelle accepts death, while Patrick is in denial.*
Click here to play sound The new heart works...
but Michelle needs a faith transplant.**
Click here to play sound Tony looks for an expert.
Click here to play sound Background sound

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