Alpha's sensors have detected an
alien object in their west quadrant,
readings indicate a power source,
but no life signs. As they monitor
it for any signs of danger, they
detect a sudden energy build up.
It fires a beam that penetrates
Alpha's defensive screens easily. |
The beam scans
Center, passing over the now
immobilized Alphans, and
causing the computers to short
out. Maya watches in dismay,
as she is unaffected by the
mysterious paralysis holding
the rest of the crew. |
When the beam
reaches her,
it changes intensity, inflicting
tremendous pain. As Maya
collapses, the hold over the
rest of the Alphans is released.
They rush to help Maya. When
she comes to, she tells them
that it was a mind probe. |
They maintain a
watch on the
alien probe, while trying to
communicate with it. Suddenly
it converts to energy, and back
to matter in a different and
larger form. Maya recognizes
the ship as belonging to the
Dorcons, and begins to panic. |
She tells them that
Dorcons are
enemies that Psychons fear most.
Tony tries to comfort her, saying
that she will be safe on Alpha,
she tells him that they can't stop
the Dorcons, as they are the
most powerful race in the galaxy.
On the Dorcon ship, Alpha's |
signal is received,
and the
Archon is notified. His nephew,
Malic suggests using force to
take the Psychon, while his Consul,
Varda, suggests reasoning with
the Alphans. Believing Malic has
ulterior motives, the Archon
rejects his suggestion in favor |
of Varda's. She
contacts Alpha
requesting that Maya be handed
over to them. Koenig refuses, and
Varda suggests that he reconsider
before she has to demonstrate
her power. Koenig orders surface
lasers and combat Eagles to the
ready. Varda tells him that |
resistance is
futile. Maya asks
Koenig to hand her over before
they kill everyone. Koenig has
Tony secure the base against
attack. While waiting for the
Dorcons to make a move, Koenig
asks Maya what they want her
for. She tells him that they |
don't die the way
other races
do. Their brainstems cease to
function. The Dorcons learned
that Psychon brainstems last
forever. She tells him, they will
not leave without the last living
Psychon. The Dorcons begin
their attack. The Alphans |
counter, with
everything they
have, to no avail. The laser
batteries are wiped out, an
Eagle lost, and the base in
ruins, without so much as a
scratch on the Dorcon ship.
In the heat of the attack,
one Alphan tries to force |
Koenig to hand Maya
over to
the Dorcons at gunpoint. His
gun is taken away forcibly, and
Maya begs Helena to use it to
kill her, stating that the Dorcons
would leave. She asks Helena
if she wants to see her end up
a living husk. Helena waivers |
but hands the gun
to John. He
has Alibe contact the Dorcons.
He tells Varda that if she doesn't
stop the bombardment, he will
kill Maya. Varda has no choice
but to comply. She has Maya's
location identified, and gathers
a boarding party. Charging their |
Meson Converter,
Consul Varda
and her men prepare to transport
down to
Alpha to take Maya by
force. Detecting the energy build
up, Maya transforms into another
Alphan before they arrive. When
Varda does not see Maya she
asks Koenig where she is. |
Hoping that they
won't be able
detect her in current form,
Koenig remains silent. Varda
tells him that she has painful
means to find her, and proceeds
when Koenig refuses to help.
Ultimately she locates Maya
who, as warned, suffers under |
the beam until she
returns to
her normal shape. Varda's troops
take Maya into the transporter
beam and up to the Dorcon ship.
Varda apologizes for things going
as they did, but tells Koenig his
people will be left in peace, and
follows them into the beam. |
Koenig races into the beam
before they can shut it off, and is
transported to the Dorcon ship.
Where he is immediately caught.
The Archon tells Varda to kill him,
but having given her word that no
one else would be harmed, she
asks to send him back to Alpha. |
He is placed behind a forcefield
until the Meson Converter coils
can recharge to transport him
back to Alpha. Maya is taken
to be prepared for the brain-
stem transplant surgery that will
make the Archon immortal.
Malic hears that the Psychon |
has been captured and
approaches Consul Varda. He
tries to convince her to let the
Archon die, so that he may
replace him as his rightful heir.
Varda refuses, believing that
Malic would bring misery and
war to the people of the |
Dorcon empire. He tells her she
will regret her decision and
leaves. Varda alerts security, to
deny Malic access to the Archon.
When Malic realizes what she has
done, heads to the main control
room where Koenig is being
readied for transport. Varda |
leaves to gather the Archon for
the surgical procedure. When
the converter is charged Koenig
attacks his guards, but before
he can escape, Malic enters the
room. The guards who are just
recovering tell him to kill Koenig.
Malic takes aim, and fires... |
| the guards! Malic tells him
he is free. Koenig asks why he
is helping him, but Malic only
tells him to help "the Psychon"
before he changes his mind.
Koenig leaves, and Malic notifies
security that Koenig has killed his
guards and is loose on the ship. |
Varda wakes the Archon,
from his "old man's dream of
death", to arrange his immortality,
just before she receives news of
Koenig's escape. She requests the
Archon's leave to handle it,
but he wants her with him. She
orders Koenig killed on sight. |
Koenig searches for Maya
managing to avoid the Dorcon
guards, until he gets pinned
down in a corridor. Malic kills
the guard and directs Koenig
to the operating room. With
time running out, Koenig has
no choice but to "trust" him. |
As Koenig heads in the
direction indicated, he is forced
to climb into the air ducts to
avoid detection. Malic goes to
the operating room where the
transfer is about to begin. He
kills the "doctor" and, just as
Koenig arrives to watch, the |
Archon. Koenig breaks out of
the air shaft to free Maya when
Malic shuts off the restraining
beam. Malic pulls his weapon,
but Maya changes into a creature
and over powers him. She and
Koenig head for the transporter.
They are caught by Varda and |