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Mark IX Hawk

The Mark Nine Hawk is a small, medium-to-long range fighter craft developed as a deterrent to possible alien attack. There was need for such a spacecraft during the UFO offensive of the mid 1980's, when Earth's main line of defense was compact one man fighters operated from the lunar base of Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization (SHADO), which is now part of Moonbase Alpha.

It became increasingly apparent that such a short-range craft would be inadequate in the event of a massive concentrated attack, and plans for a larger and more heavily armed fighter were drafted. This new attack craft, the Mark IX Hawk, was tested successfully in 1996, and eight such vessels were commissioned by the Global Defense Command in 1997. To cut launch time  to the barest minimum, the eight hawks were maintained aboard the Centuri space dock, which was positioned between the Earth and the Moon.

Shortly after the Hawk support base on the space dock was completed, the UFO attacks mysteriously stopped. After two years of silence, in mid 1999, the plans for a Hawk support base on Moonbase Alpha were scrapped, and the international Lunar Commission began to imply that the Mark IX Hawk, which had never been used against a UFO attack, was a gross waste of limited funds. Plans were made to disassemble at least half of the fleet and utilize their components for other craft. It seemed that the aliens who had been attacking Earth for so long had given up, but, for whatever reason, the remaining Hawks were destroyed on September 13, 1999, when the Centuri blew up during the breakaway of the Moon.

The Mark IX Hawk is essentially a two man cockpit and life support system mounted on a single fusion engine and fuel tank. Strap on boosters provide acceleration of up to 20g, and dual weapon pods house computer targeted laser batteries, 16 independently activated missile silos, and two self guiding torpedoes housing fusion warheads. All weapons are operated manually by a gunner, or are programmed to follow a predetermined attack plan. In an emergency, the weapons pods and and engine assembly can be jettisoned and the command module can be used as a lifeboat.

Shado's Interceptor which, ironically, was replaced by the Mark IX Hawk, too late. The Mark IX Hawk as it appeared to the Alphans in
War Games.


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Super Swift

The Super Swift is a ship that was only in the conceptual stages when the Moon was blasted out of Earth orbit. The designers were unable to create an engine that could travel faster than light, thus it never left the drawing boards. The "Bringers of Wonder" used the Alphans memories of the design to create the illusion of the Super Swift when their ship was approaching Alpha.

Super Swift approaches Alpha at "faster than light" speed. Super Swift lands on one of Alpha's launch pads..
The Pilot Ship launches from Super Swift. The Pilot Ship flies to Earth at "faster than Light" speed..

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Moon Buggy

The Moon Buggy is Alpha's all purpose land vehicle. Capable of operating in an atmosphere or a vacuum, the Alphans use the Moon Buggy to travel anywhere that is too far to walk, and can not be reached by Eagle for whatever reason. The Moon buggy can be transported by Eagle to the surface of Alien worlds to aid in reconnaissance.

John and Helena use a moon buggy to reconnoiter an
Earth-like planet in The Full Circle.

Two Alphans in a moon buggy on the lunar
surface from Bringers of Wonder.

Special thanks to Michael Taylor for providing the original scans from Century 21 magazine for these blueprints.

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