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While off-duty Moonbase personnel are enjoying a concert in the Recreation Centre, four scientists, lead by Dan Mateo are working on an unusual experiment in the Hydroponics Lab. They are trying to communicate with vegetation via amplified brain wave patterns
similar to those given off by plants. When section head James Warren interrupts what he considers to be a dangerous experiment, Mateo collapses. Suddenly the temperature drops and a cold wind blows through Alpha. Mateo is brought to Medical Centre and
soon regains consciousness. He tells Helena that he sensed a coldness in his mind, then fear and pain before he collapsed. Meanwhile Koenig and Victor investigate the unexplained drop in temperature recorded by Computer. Although it originated in
the Hydroponics Lab where the experiment took place, Victor can find no equipment present capable of causing the effect. Koenig interviews the people present to see if they have any explanation as to what happened. They can offer no insight as to what happened, but
James Warren tells Koenig that he warned Mateo not to continue with his experiments because he felt they were dangerous. Laura Adams (Mateo's assistant) counters that it had only gone wrong when he interfered. Helena keeps Mateo in Medical Centre overnight so he can
get some rest. While Mateo is sleeping, Helena sees a disfigured Alphan lurking in the shadows. When security arrives to investigate, they find nothing. She tells John that she experienced the same feelings of cold and dread descibed to her by Mateo. When Mateo is released
he heads towards the Hydroponics Lab. On his way, he sees a shadow move accross the interior of the travel tube. As it approaches, he arrives at the terminal and quickly exits the car. When he gets to the Hydroponics Lab Warren tells him that he no longer wants him in his
department. Mateo threatens to kill him, then storms out. A chill wind blows through Hypoponics and Warren senses a presence. A disfigured hand reaches out and grabs him. His body is found and an autopsy reveals that his spinal column was shattered. Stating that
no blow could have caused that kind of damage, Helena attributes it to "fear generated to an unimaginable intensity". Laura takes a circuit board from Mateo's equipment after failing to convince him to discontinue his experiments. They fight, and as she leaves she is
is confronted by the disfigured spectre. Her body is found, having died the same way as James Warren. Mateo blames himself, believing that he released the spectre stalking the base. Victor wants to re-create the experiment so that they might find a way to battle
the entity. Koenig feels it is too dangerous, but grudingly accedes. The experiment is recreated with the command staff, and the spectre appears. It is Mateo! He has returned to seek vengeance for a death that has not yet occurred. A death he blames on the Alphans.
When Mateo sees his own ghost, he goes into shock and the spectre fades away. Victor has an idea of how to contain it, so they sedate Mateo and strap him into a chair, with an energy barrier around it, in an observation chamber. Once secured they give him a shot of
Methadrine to bring out his violent tendencies, to summon the entity. When it does appear it tries to attack Koenig but is caught in the enrgy barrier. Mateo, afraid that it will get free, attempts to stop it and breaks lose of his bindings. They struggle and Mateo is forced into
the barrier and killed. When Koenig Victor and Helena enter the room to investigate, they see both bodies on the floor. The spirit is consumed by an unearthly glow and is absorbed by Mateo's body. When Koenig turns him over, his faced is burned in exactly the same fashion as the
troubled spirit's was. Koenig Holds himself responsible for Mateo's death. Helena tries to tell him that it was not his fault, that it was pre-ordained in some way, and that Mateo was simply beyond their kind of help... that life and death are still the greatest mysteries of all.

This Episode

Screenplay.......................................................................Johnny Byrne

Director..............................................................................Ray Austin

Guest Stars

Dan Mateo..................................................................Giancarlo Prete

Laura Adams....................................................................Hilary Dwyer

James Warren.............................................................Anthony Nicholls

Random Thoughts

"The Troubled Spirit" is unusual for an episodic science fiction series' story, in the fact that it is closer to the horror genre than sci-fi. What makes it stand out, is how well they set the mood. Starting with the use of the unsettling, but eerily beautiful guitar music, and continuing with terrifc use of lighting and camera work. And simple things like a breeze blowing, take on a heightened level of significance, when considering this is a regulated atmosphere on a Moonbase and not a drafty old house. While I am not sure how the experiment with the plants fits into the summoning of the spirit, perhaps it is just that all living things emit an energy that feeds the unknown forces in the universe, the contrast of seeing vegetation in this otherwise sterile environment, is both visually stunning and helps set the viewer up for "something different". I like that we are not let in on the truth that it is, in fact, Mateo's ghost until fairly late in the show. This twist escalates the horror to a new level.

There is a lot of good acting in this episode. Anthony Nicholls is suitably annoying as Mateo's antagonist. Hilary Dwyer does a great job as Mateo's assistant (girlfriend?). Giancarlo Prete does an excellent job as Dan Mateo, especially in the scene where he is strapped to the chair in the observation room. He goes from a bewildered state of sedation, to a sympathetic plea to be released, to wild-eyed anger very naturally. Actually, there are quite a few moments in this scene that I really like. I am glad that they took a few seconds to show Koenig place his hand on Mateo's arm prior to shutting him in. This speaks well of Commander Koenig, and his empathy for his people. Also, Helena's expression when Mateo is struggling to understand why he is being held captive, is very moving.

There is one problem that I do have with this scene, it is when Mateo is fighting his doppelganger and his head is forced into the energy barrier, it is his right side (as we look at him), and when we see the effects of this (on his ghost and later his corpse), he is burned on the left side. Another continuity error is in the scene during the seance with the command staff. When Mateo's ghost appears, he is burned on the right side of his face, and his yellow sleeve is on his left arm, not his right.

I guess the film got flipped when they superimposed him into the scene (something I chose to fix in the pictures posted with the story above). Despite these minor flaws, I have always liked this episode, as I tend to be drawn to the unique, darker aspects of Space: 1999. As always, any responses to comments made here, or anything in general, are welcome. You can contact me by using the commlock in the
Communication Centre.


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Sound Files

Mateo: "This was the first time I used the mental resources of other people, and I felt the difference immediately... a feeling that something unusual would happen. Our concentration deepened, I was aware of a new feeling... a coldness seemed to grow inside my mind, my body. With it came fear. A part of my mind struggled, wanted, tried to resist, then pain, burning, intense pain, then nothing."

"Mateo, Warren is going to to stop your experiments."
"Warren, he doesn't even understand what I am trying to do."
"He thinks it is too dangerous to continue."
"It is, to him. If it succeeds he will be as much use around here as a gardener."
"I think you should stop them too."
"That's ridiculous."
"I'm serious. I was there, I saw... I felt what happened!"
"I thought you, at least, understood."
"I'm scared, Mateo."



"Helena, there were only two people in this area, you and Mateo, and he was in a drugged sleep. You're sure about what you saw?"
"I don't know. I'm not sure of anything anymore. Wait a minute. Well, I... I am sure about what I felt and what I think I saw. Mateo was telling me certain things that happened to him during his experiment, feelings of coldness and dread. That's precisely what happend to me just before I saw that..."
"Helena, what are you saying, that it was some kind of psychic experience?"
"All I know is what I felt and what I saw."

"Get out of here Mateo! I don't want to have you in my department!"
"I will kill you if you say another word."
"You heard it! You were a witness."

"Commander, I wasn't even in here when he died. It's true I couldn't stand the man, but kill him?"
"Mateo, no one is accusing you."

"Totally shattered spinal column."
"I've never seen anything like it."
"Fear generated to an unimaginable intensity."
"Helena, are you positive that no person could have caused this? A blow of some kind?"
"No blow could have caused this, John."


"She died the same way as Warren."
"It's my fault. It's my fault! I wouldn't listen. Now she's dead and I did it. Do you hear?"
"This thing on Alpha, it's my fault. It is my fault, I raised it!"
"Iit's not a question of who's..."
It's... it's here now, in this place. It's waiting to kill again... to kill us all."
"Mateo... Mateo, come with me, come on."

"John, I've seen this being. I believe it. Mateo wants to re-create the experiment to try to bring it out into the open."
"It could be dangerous."
"Let him, John. Let him re-create the experiment."
"Victor, my concerns are the safety of Alpha."
"I know, but we can't fight this thing unless we know what it is. I say let him, and give him all the help we can."

"I was once who you say."
"What do you want from us?"
"Mateo lives. He's one of us. You have no existance here."
"You took my existance from me. Your legacy. Witness the result of your actions."
"Your presence here is an accident."
"No accident. I have returned. My being cries out for vengeance for the collective act which destoyed my existence."



"You mustn't blame yourself."
"Every death on this base is personal to me. But Mateo... I feel his just that little more."
"Mateo was burned in precisely the same way as the spirit we saw. It was inevitable that he would die like that. It was pre-ordained. He was beyond our kind of help."
"I just can't get it out of my mind. I mean, life after death, maybe... maybe not. But to be haunted by your own ghost even before you die. What's that all about?"
"Life and death, still the big questions... the greatest mysteries."
Sound: computer beeps
Sound: more computer beeps
Cue: Background sound

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