While I realize that
The Taybor is not one of the more highly regarded
episodes of the second season, I have to say that I
actually like it. One of the highlights, for me anyway,
is Derek Wadsworth's score. The main theme for the S.S.
Emporium is light and playful, and the music for the
cannon appearing is wonderfully threatening. There are
exciting action cues, and the theme for hyperspace is
full of wonder and mystery. One cue which does not work
as well in the episode, as it does just listening to it,
is for the scene when Maya demands to be returned to
Alpha, but it is mixed very low in the episode and does
not interfere with the viewing experience. It is a shame
they did not use it in another episode (that I am aware
of). You can check out a few of the tracks written for The
Taybor, in MP3
format, on the Year 2 MP3 page.
Despite a slightly
cartoonish script, I think Willoughby Goddard does a very
good job as Taybor. He seems very natural in the part,
especially in scenes like the one where he talks about
his "humble origins". I think he does as much
as possible with the character as it is written. And you
have to love the "rooster comb" hairdo!

I love the design of the Emporium. It has a funhouse look
that fits Taybor's "sideshow barker"
personality. He even delivers a line of dialogue that
reinforces that analogy. When Helena explains that some
of the crew were injured by his gifts, he
replies "...if there's anything I can do, I have
excellent medicines to do wonders for all kinds of
complaints." as though he is going to try to sell
her a panacea.
I thought Martin Landau did
an excellent job in the scene where he tries to convince
Taybor to accept a duplicate Maya. He was almost hypnotic
as he lowered his voice, and repeated key selling points,
as he told Taybor about it. He truly is as adept a trader
as Taybor!
I found it interesting that
Koenig was so sure that the limpet transmitter would
allow them to contact Taybor's ship after it jumped,
when the Alphans appeared to have no knowledge of
hyper-space whatsoever.

I also found it interesting how similar the necklace that
Taybor gave Maya was to the one she already owned.
Perhaps that was how he selected it.
There is a small goof in the
episode when Helena descibed the memory amplifier as
cylindrical, when it is pictured as hexagonal.

There is some really nice character developement in this
episode. We get to see some of the Alphans hobbies via
the trading session with Taybor; things like Doctor
Vincent's ship in a bottle, Yasko's bansai tree, Kate's
sweater, and so on. It was also nice to see the
friendship between Maya and Helena displayed when Maya
had to show Helena the necklace given to her by Taybor.
I think this episode
succeeds, when taken as the playful romp it was clearly
meant to be. Any replies to comments made here are always
welcome. You can contact me by using the commlock in the
Communication Centre.