and Maya arrive in
Medical Center to find Dr. Shaw
checking on Koenig. When he
leaves, Helena wakes John. She
and Maya have brought a
recording of the pilot ship
approaching Earth to see if John
will react favorably to proof |
that things are as
they say are.
But when John sees the images
he tells them what he sees is not
the pilot ship, but an Eagle. He
asks the to consider the possibility
that the brain complex shielded
his mind from the telepathic
control of the aliens. Maya |
starts to piece
together some
events of the last few days that
do help to support his claims.
Koenig wins them over when he
mentions that time would have
passed much faster on Earth,
than it has on Alpha, making
their "friends" hundreds of years |
older than they
appeared. John
convinces Helena to hook Maya
up to the complex, to affirm his
story, and help fight them if he
is proven right. While Carter,
Erlich, and Bartlett prepare to
land on Earth, Maya has finished
her treatment. She takes a look |
down the hall and
sees the alien
creatures that Koenig has been
describing. What they believe to
be the pilot ship, lands, not on
Earth, but in the middle of the
nuclear waste domes on the
Moon. The crew disembarks,
believing that they are checking |
into a hotel, when
they are, in
reality, entering one of the waste
domes. On Alpha, Koenig has
Maya turn into one of the alien
creatures to find out what their
purpose is. When they see her,
they realize she is not one of
their group, and follow her. |
She hides in a
doorway and
barely manages to change back
before they catch up to her. She
tells John and Helena that they
need radiation to live, but only
the intense radiation of a
nuclear explosion. Koenig checks
the location of the "pilot ship" |
crew. He locates
their Eagle
by the nuclear waste domes.
Now Maya can see the Eagle as
well, but Helena still sees
pilot ship. Koenig finds the crew,
loading nuclear fuel into a
moonbuggy and has computer
lock them in the Atomic Fuel |
Store. They
immediately start to
cut their way out with a laser.
John rushes to go out and stop
them, but is caught and stunned
by Tony, under the control of Dr.
Shaw, when he gets to launch
pad 4. He is brought back to
Medical Center, where Helena |
chastised for not
raising the
alarm when Koenig "broke loose".
Koenig is secured, and a security
guard is left to keep watch. Maya
stuns him, so they can stop Alan
and the others before they can
trigger the waste domes. John
wants Helena to process all the |
Alphans on the
brain complex,
to break the aliens control. She
says it would take too long, but
comes up with another way to
break the aliens hold over them.
The three head to Command
Center to broadcast the "white
noise" to everyone on the base. |
They are met with
as several security guards try
to stop them on their way.
They arrive at Command
Center, and after stunning the
guards there, hold everyone
at gun point, while Helena
tries to activate the white |
noise. Dr. Shaw
begins to take
control of her, but Koenig kicks
him away, takes the card and
inserts it into the control panel.
The sound breaks the aliens
control, and they are revealed
for what they are. Everyone is
shocked as their loved ones |
turn into hideous
Tony shoots one but Koenig tells
him that they feed on energy.
The creatures disappear, and
they think they have defeated
them, until Koenig checks the
nuclear waste area, to see that
Carter and Erlich are bringing |
the nuclear trigger
to Bartlett,
as all three are still under the
control. John, Tony, and
Maya take an eagle out to stop
them. Koenig orders all non-
essential power cut on Alpha
to lessen the available energy
to the already starving aliens. |
They locate Carter and Erlich's
moonbuggy but can't land in front
of it due to the weight of the
Eagle, so Koenig has himself
lowered to the surface in a
harness. His attempts to talk
to Carter and Erlich fail. He
tries to wave them down, but |
they see him as a masked
bandit. After narrowly missing
Koenig with the moonbuggy,
they get out and attack him.
Seeing this in the Eagle, Tony
lowers Maya to even the odds.
She arrives as they remove his
oxygen hose, and pulls them off. |
Erlich's air tank is punctured in
the fray. While Koenig and Maya
seal it, Alan takes off in the
moonbuggy. Koenig pursues
on foot, while Maya gets Erlich
back to the Eagle. Alan arrives
at the waste domes and brings
in the nuclear trigger, while |
Bartlett brings in the laser they
will use to seal the door shut.
Koenig gets there to find all the
aliens gathered around the waste
dome. He contacts Maya who
assures him they are focusing all
their energy controlling Carter and
Bartlett and cannot harm him. |
Koenig tries to open the door
with his commlock but can't.
He sees that it has been sealed
with a laser, and tries ramming
the door with the moonbuggy
to break it loose. After several
attempts he breaks through.
He contacts Maya and asks |
why the aliens are still able
to control Carter and Bartlett.
Maya speculates that the
electrical activity of the brains
of the Alphans may be enough
to keep the aliens at survival
level. John contacts Helena
and has her knock out |
everyone on the base, but
the chief engineer and herself.
He finds Carter and Bartlett
preparing to place the fuel into
the core. He stops Bartlett, who
then breaks free of the aliens
control, and manages to pin
Alan to the ground. He asks |
Bartlett for help, but between the
aliens hypnotic words, and
whatever mind control they are
able to manage in their weakened
state, Bartlett is no help. Alan
breaks free and gets the upper
hand over Koenig. Alan chokes
John into unconsciousness, then |
picks up the nuclear fuel again
and staggers towards the core.
John wakes in time to stop him
from fully inserting the fuel.
They struggle until Koenig
punches Alan, knocking him
out. The aliens tell Koenig
that he is "a truly primitive |
organism", telling him that they
could have given the Alphans an
eternity of happiness in an instant
of time. Koenig replies that "it's
better to live as you own man,
than as a fool in someone else's
dream". With no more energy to
be had, the aliens vanish. |