Koenig takes an Eagle
to check reports of a surge in
the neutron count near the
nuclear waste domes. He begins
flying erratically, and when Tony
tries to contact him, he is
irrational and unresponsive.
Unable to remotely control his |
Eagle, they watch
as he flies dangerously close
to the nuclear waste domes,
Koenig's Eagle strikes an
antenna on one of them, and
loses control. He crashes, but
manages to put on his helmet
before losing consciousness. |
A rescue Eagle is
with a few nuclear physicists
sent along to check for any
damage that the crash may
have caused. Koenig is pulled
from the Eagle, and there are
no signs of complications from
the impact with the domes. |
Koenig is rushed
back to
Medical Center, where Helena
has him hooked to an Ellendorf
Quadrographic Brain Complex.
Although an experimental
technology, Helena feels this
may be Koenig's only chance
for a full recovery. Back in |
Command Center,
reports a sensor contact, that
turns out to be a ship moving
towards Alpha at faster-than-
light speeds. When in visual
range, the ship appears to
be a Super-Swift originating
from Earth. It moves in to land. |
Tony has Alpha's
lasers aimed
at the ship, but Sandra receives
a transmission from the vessel
and puts it on the big screen.
Tony recognizes the Captain
of the vessel as his brother
Guido! Clive Kander records
the reunion as the crew, which |
consists of close
friends and
family of several of the Alphans,
disembarks and is reunited with
their loved ones. On the Super-
Swift with Tony's brother were;
Helena's old tutor Dr. Shaw,
Sandra's fiancé Peter Rockwell,
Ben's fiancée Louisa, and an |
old flame of
Koenig's named
Diana Morris, among others.
Helena cringes at the thought
of dealing with her, but Dr.
Shaw leaves her to deal with
Diana, who has been looking
John since she arrived. Two of
the visitors, leave Command |
Center, seemingly
take control
of a medical technician they
see in a hallway, who returns
Medical Center and attempts
to kill Koenig by disrupting the
brain complex that John is
hooked up to. Dr. Vincent sees,
on one of the remote medical |
monitors, that
something is
wrong with Koenig, but Louisa
seems to have an hypnotic
control over him, causing him
to turn off the monitor. When
Alan pulls Louisa away, her
control is broken, and Ben
runs to Medical Center and |
prevents Sandstrom
from killing
Koenig. In Command Center,
Tony catches Maya trying to
sneak off, not wanting to disturb
the big reunion. He tries to
allay her fears, but Diana Morris
interrupts. She insults Maya, then
proceeds to flirt with Tony. |
Maya transforms
into a creature
behind Diana, but Tony catches
her, and she reverts before
Diana is any the wiser. Ben and
Helena discuss the possibility
of a connection between John's
erratic behavior and Sandstrom's
attempt on Koenig's life, but no |
evidence could be
found to
connect the two. Koenig wakes,
and Helena tells him about the
rescue ship. He listens with
incredulity to her description
of the Super-Swift's crew, until
he realizes she is serious. He
hugs her, and they proceed to |
Command Center to
join the
reunion. When they arrive,
John freezes upon entering,
seeing, not the friends from
Earth he was told about, but
grotesque aliens. He orders
their ship destroyed, but Tony
countermands his order. |
He tries to shoot
one of the
creatures, but Helena stuns him
before he can shoot Tony's
brother. Convinced that John
is suffering from delusions,
Helena puts him in restraints.
Tony and Helena try to calm
him, down, but he remains |
very agitated, and needs to
be sedated. Maya contacts Tony
telling him that Kander has locked
himself in the Records Lab, put
the emergency oxygen full on,
jammed the door, and wrecking
the place. Maya tries to get him
out, but oxygen is ignited in the |
struggle, and Kander dies.
Guido pushes Tony to select
three people to return to Earth
in a pilot ship, before the Earth
starts to move out of range.
Back in Command Center, Tony
draws lots for the three lucky
people. But the names he is |
reading are not the ones on
the cards. He is clearly under
the control of Guido and Dr.
Shaw. Tony checks on Koenig
in Medical Center. John tries
to convince them that he is
rational, and that odds are
against the rescue team all |
being friends and relatives,
and the three picked to return
to Earth being on the Nuclear
Monitoring Team. Sandra alerts
Tony that the pilot ship is ready
to lift off. John becomes agitated,
and is sedated. The launch is
watched in Command Center, |
and all over the base. Alan,
Bartlett, and Erlich find that
they are approaching Earth
with little appreciable sense
of time passing. They contact
Alpha to let them know that
Earth is in visual range, and
can barely contain their |
excitement as they approach.
Dr. Shaw visits the unconscious
Sandstrom, and plants a directive
into his mind. Sandstrom wakes
and breaks free of his restraints.
Tony and Maya are on their way
to show Koenig images from the
pilot ship approaching Earth, |
to help convince him that
things really are as they have
been trying to tell him. Tony
is attacked by Sandstrom,
and Maya transforms into a
Kendo fighter, knocking out
Sandstrom. Dr. Shaw enters
Medical Center, where |
Koenig is still in restraints.
John sees the repulsive creature
approaching, and strains
the straps that bind him,
to free himself. He watches
helplessly as it moves
in close...
end of part one |